Scale and Proportion
Scale usually refers to the size of an object in a relation with another one object , we usually compare an object’s size to the size of our bodies.
It refers to how we perceive the size of something compared to a reference standard. It also refers to the mathematical relationship between and object and a measurable quantity.
Visual scale
It refers to how small or large something appears to be in relation to its normal size.
Hierarchical scale
It refers to the deliberate use of relative size in a work of art to communicate importance ex: usually larger means more important and smaller less important.
Distorted scale
An artis may present distort scale to create an abnormal or supernatural effect.
In art it is the comparative harmonious relationship between to or more elements.
It refers to the relative size of parts of a whole.
Human scale
Refers to the size of a form when compared with our own human size.
Human scale in architecture is based on the dimensions and proportions of the human body.
Golden section
It can be defined as the ratio between two sections of a line or the two dimensions of a plan figure.
The golden section has algebraic and geometric properties that account for its existence in architecture as well as in the structures of many living organisms.
Proportional Ratios
Golden rectangles is a technique based on nesting inside each other a succession of rectangles based on the 1:1.618 proportions of the golden ratio.
The shorter the side of outer rectangle becomes the longer side of the smaller rectangle inside it and so on , the result is a spiral shape.
It is a harmonious measure to the human scale universally applicable to architecture and mechanics.
The basic grid consist on three measures 113,70 and 43 cm.
113,183, 226 define the space occupied by the human figure. The principle work of Le Carbusier that explains the use of modular as his unite d’habitation at Marseilles. It used 15 measures of the modular to bring the human scale to a building that is 140 meter long, 24 meters wide and 70 meters high.
Regular Lines.
Imposition of order by means of measurement. Geometry is the language of man.. Rhythm, a unit gives measure to unity, a regulating line is a basis of construction and a satisfaction.
Architecture is the first manifestation of man creating his own universe creating it in the image of nature, submitting to the laws of nature.
A regulating line is a assurance against capriciousness , it is a means of verification which can ratify all work created in a fervour. The regulating line is satisfaction of a spiritual order which leads to the pursuit of ingenious and harmonious relations. It confers on the work the quality of rhythm.
Golden section and regular lines
If the diagonals of two rectangles are either parallel or perpendicular to each other they indicate that the two rectangles have similar proportions, the diagonals and lines that indicate the common grouping of elements are called regulating lines.
The regulating line is a satisfaction of a spiritual order which leads to the pursuit of ingenious and harmonious relations.
Principles of Composition
-Proportion and Scale
-Unity and Variety
Visual Weight is the apparent heaviness or lightness of the forms arranged in a composition as gauged by how insistently they draw the viewer’s eye. When visual weight is equally distributed to either side of a felt or implied center of gravity, we feel that the composition is balanced.
Symmetrical Balance
It is a design in which two halves of a composition on either side of an imaginary central vertical axis correspond to one another in size, shape and placement.
Asymmetric Balance when two sides do not correspond to one another in size,shape and placement.
A large form is visually heavier than a smaller form.
A dark form is visually heavier than a light form of the same size.
A complex form is visually heavier than a simple form of the same size.
Two or more of small forms can balance a larger one.
A smaller dark form can balance a larger light one.
Visual Rhythm
It depends on the repetition of accented elements usually shapes.
Proportion and scale.
Scale: Size in relation to normal or constant size.
Proportion: Size relationships between parts of a whole or between two or more items perceived as a unit , also the size relationship between an object and its surroundings.
The sense of oneness of things belonging together and making up a coherent whole.
Differences that provide interest and contrast.
Scale usually refers to the size of an object in a relation with another one object , we usually compare an object’s size to the size of our bodies.
It refers to how we perceive the size of something compared to a reference standard. It also refers to the mathematical relationship between and object and a measurable quantity.
Visual scale
It refers to how small or large something appears to be in relation to its normal size.
Hierarchical scale
It refers to the deliberate use of relative size in a work of art to communicate importance ex: usually larger means more important and smaller less important.
Distorted scale
An artis may present distort scale to create an abnormal or supernatural effect.
In art it is the comparative harmonious relationship between to or more elements.
It refers to the relative size of parts of a whole.
Human scale
Refers to the size of a form when compared with our own human size.
Human scale in architecture is based on the dimensions and proportions of the human body.
Golden section
It can be defined as the ratio between two sections of a line or the two dimensions of a plan figure.
The golden section has algebraic and geometric properties that account for its existence in architecture as well as in the structures of many living organisms.
Proportional Ratios
Golden rectangles is a technique based on nesting inside each other a succession of rectangles based on the 1:1.618 proportions of the golden ratio.
The shorter the side of outer rectangle becomes the longer side of the smaller rectangle inside it and so on , the result is a spiral shape.
It is a harmonious measure to the human scale universally applicable to architecture and mechanics.
The basic grid consist on three measures 113,70 and 43 cm.
113,183, 226 define the space occupied by the human figure. The principle work of Le Carbusier that explains the use of modular as his unite d’habitation at Marseilles. It used 15 measures of the modular to bring the human scale to a building that is 140 meter long, 24 meters wide and 70 meters high.
Regular Lines.
Imposition of order by means of measurement. Geometry is the language of man.. Rhythm, a unit gives measure to unity, a regulating line is a basis of construction and a satisfaction.
Architecture is the first manifestation of man creating his own universe creating it in the image of nature, submitting to the laws of nature.
A regulating line is a assurance against capriciousness , it is a means of verification which can ratify all work created in a fervour. The regulating line is satisfaction of a spiritual order which leads to the pursuit of ingenious and harmonious relations. It confers on the work the quality of rhythm.
Golden section and regular lines
If the diagonals of two rectangles are either parallel or perpendicular to each other they indicate that the two rectangles have similar proportions, the diagonals and lines that indicate the common grouping of elements are called regulating lines.
The regulating line is a satisfaction of a spiritual order which leads to the pursuit of ingenious and harmonious relations.
Principles of Composition
-Proportion and Scale
-Unity and Variety
Visual Weight is the apparent heaviness or lightness of the forms arranged in a composition as gauged by how insistently they draw the viewer’s eye. When visual weight is equally distributed to either side of a felt or implied center of gravity, we feel that the composition is balanced.
Symmetrical Balance
It is a design in which two halves of a composition on either side of an imaginary central vertical axis correspond to one another in size, shape and placement.
Asymmetric Balance when two sides do not correspond to one another in size,shape and placement.
A large form is visually heavier than a smaller form.
A dark form is visually heavier than a light form of the same size.
A complex form is visually heavier than a simple form of the same size.
Two or more of small forms can balance a larger one.
A smaller dark form can balance a larger light one.
Visual Rhythm
It depends on the repetition of accented elements usually shapes.
Proportion and scale.
Scale: Size in relation to normal or constant size.
Proportion: Size relationships between parts of a whole or between two or more items perceived as a unit , also the size relationship between an object and its surroundings.
The sense of oneness of things belonging together and making up a coherent whole.
Differences that provide interest and contrast.
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