Leon Battista Alberti (Book I)
We discussed about the first book of Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) who was educated in the arts of philosophy , rhetoric and poetic.
He was not an architect, he was a writer but he turned himself into a practicing architect.
Alberti has his own definition of what is an architect and he claims that an Architect is someone who combines wonderfully Art and Method together with Thought and Invention ,to devise, and with execition to complete all the works.
According to Alberti all art of the building consist on the design. and structure, joining together the lines and angles form and compose the face of the building.
In ancient times people find the need having a shelter to protect them from different nature phenomens.
He said that the whole Art of Building consists in six Things: the Com− partition,the Region, the Walling,the Seat or Platform, the Covering and the Apertures,this is considered the main purpose which is found also nowadays with the difference of separating the living spaces based on their functions.
Alberti clasifies around two principle geometrical terms which help us making a platform.They're lines and angles,every design consequently is made out of lines and angles; the Lines are that extraordinary Design which incorporates the entire space of the platform.
We can arrange the aparatures of the building into two group: one serving for the Admission of Light and Air, and the other for the Entrance and Passage of the Inhabitants.
In this case for the first one is about windows which allows the passing of light and air and the second referes to doors which allow the humans to pass.
Alberti also talks about the stairs as he explains they are quite complex because they come in contact with three apertures which are the door, window and opening in the ceiling. There are also two staircases mention in this book; the one with no steps and a sloping Ascent and the other which is mounted by steps.
I think in this book alberti explained very well of what is needed to start building a project , and it has all the needed information ,I really liket this book and Alberti's theory.
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