Form and style in visual arts.
Types of design can be classified in terms of sense or senses,such as visual,auditory and audiovisual.
The first one in visual(static,surface design)
It is mostly representet in two dimensions,the components are especially line,color and texture and sometimes with variations of surface shape,mass and void shape.'Static' means the representet factor and has nothing to do with possible sugestion of movements.An arabesque is a kind of design involving difficult linear development,with or without any representative meaning.
There are also three main subdivisions of visual design.The first one is strip design, long and narrow,borders and architectural mouldings,it is extended in one dimension,in producing more units to right,left,by division,in increasing the size and inner complexity.It accepts a definite boundary in the second dimension.It may be flat or three dimensional.A design which is actually flat may be suggestively three dimensional,giving illusions of depth,solidity,as a result of the presence or absence of representational development.The second one which is bounded are design is limited within given two dimensional area and is related to the size and shape of the area marked,as to a rectangular or circular frame or border.Designs of bounded are type may be presentatively flat or three dimensional.
Objects such as buildings,chairs,boxes often provide the frameworks for design in bounded areas.
The third one is allover design which is unbounded in two dimensions  with a tendency to infinte repetition or extention in two dimensions and four directions.The proliferation of a design tends to flow from one side to another ignoring its edges or corners.A common feature of this design is to arrange the units on two cordinate,intersecting system of lines and not a single main axis as usual in strip designs.Conventional types are spot,stripe,scale,flowered,figured,scenic patterns.Allover design is mostly used in dress fabric,wallpaper,drapery fabrics etc.This type of design can be flat or three dimensional both presentatively and suggestively.It tends to repeat units over and over.
Visual(static,solid design)
It is three dimensional,it has extent in thickness,depth, length,and breadth.The thematic units itself consist of different solid parts, there is more use of solid masses,voids and surface shapes.The terminal order is not definitely determined.
Exterior design is viewed from outside,  the object may present different designs as seen from different points of view,as opaque solid parts fall into different arrangements through parallax,overlapping and partial conccalment by other opaque parts.High three dimensional development is lacking in solid objects placed as to be seen from only one point of view.Other common varieties of three dimensional designs are found in vases or weapons,some of there indeterminate or determinate kinds of motion.
Interior design is the surrounding or partly surrounding the observer as when it is inside a building,garden,room, as ome moves around and changes the angle of vision.
Combinations of the two as in the connection between exterior and interior designs.
Intermediate between surface and solid design is sculptural relief which varies as to the amount of three dimesional development.When the relief is low and applied to a flat panel it tends to be percieved as static surface design with a bounded area,when high and partly detached from the background it approximates static solid design.
Visual,mobile temporally developed design
Mobile surface design mostly in two dimensions,it includes motion pictures,shadow plays,all represented as flat images on a flat surface.The shapes may be representitonal or nonrepresentational,with or without three dimensional suggestions.
Mobilic solid design prestents actually solid figures in more or less determinate motion,it is developed in three dimensions of space and time.Their movements are limited in range,speed is usually indeterminate.
Auditory design is presented in  more or less determinate temporal sequence,it may or may not be combined with mobile visual design as in ballet. Musical design is based on thematic development of rhythm,pitch,timbre,etc, and other developed components as melody,tempo,dynamics etc. Word sound design is presented when literature is spoken and thus resembles music to some extent.
Verbal musical design is in song,oratorio,opera and is a combination of music and word sound themes and patterns.Audovisual design,involves some temporal change becauseof the evanescence  of the sound. Audio visual surface design of mobile visual patterns combined with music.Audio visual solid design is produced by combinating mobile solid patterns with auditory ones as in ballet with music.
Types of design based on suggestive thematic development,distinguishes types of design mainly on a basis of presentative development ,according to the sense primary addressed in the way which the presented factor is developed in space,time or both.In literature thematic development is is mostly suggestive,refers to ideas and emotions such as such as war and peace,joy and sorrow etc and every type of image derived from the senses can be arranged into patterns.
From this lesson I've learned that form and style in visual,audovisual,and auditory arts are found everywhere around us and in daily life we can meet them a lot.


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